EarthShake Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans

Instructional Resources

> Contrasting Cases

> Worksheets

> Vocabulary



Practice for PSSA

Lesson 1: Pre-Assessment

30 Minutes


  • Students will complete a pre-assessment.

Materials Needed:

  • Pre-assessments (Worksheet - Test)

Introduction: Let students know that they will begin their lessons using the NoRILLA machine. Today they will complete their pre-assessment to show what they already know.

  • Some students will take pre-assessment A, while others will take pre-assessment B.

  • Students complete their pre-assessment.

Lesson 2: Exploring the Scientific Method and Earthquakes


30-45 Minutes



Lesson Objectives:

  • Articulate information about earthquakes and their effects.

  • Describe the PLAY Mode of the NoRILLA.

  • Apply the scientific method: predict-observe-explain cycle, introducing vocabulary.

Materials Needed:


  • Pre-built blocks

Lesson 3: Using Scientific Method to Explore Stability

30-45 minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will observe the procedures of NoRILLA.

  • Students will complete the play mode.

  • Students will think interdependently (flexible) by working together to complete a task.

  • Students will manage their impulsivity.

  • Students will use precise and clear communication skills.

Materials Needed:


  • Pre-built blocks

Lesson Plan in Action

Lesson 4 & 5

Lesson 4: Using Scientific Method to Explore Symmetry, Height, Base, Weight on Top


Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will interact with play mode.

  • Students will think interdependently (flexible) by working together to complete a task.

  • Students will manage their impulsivity.

  • Students will use precise and clear communication skills.

Materials Needed:


  • Pre-built blocks

  • Drawing paper

  • Crayons, markers, etc. 

  • Building materials such as snap cubes, LEGOs, cardboard, Keva Planks, Lincoln Logs, Magnatiles, Bristle Blocks, Monkey blocks, Kinetic Sand

  • Rosie Revere Engineer

Lesson 5: Using Scientific Method to Explore Symmetry, Height, Base, Weight on Top (Cont.)


Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will interact with play mode.

  • Students will think interdependently (flexible) by working together to complete a task.

  • Students will manage their impulsivity.

  • Students will use precise and clear communication skills.

Materials Needed:


  • Pre-built blocks

  • Drawing paper

  • Crayons

  • Markers

  • Building materials such as snap cubes, LEGOs, cardboard, Keva Planks, Lincoln Logs, Magnatiles, Bristle Blocks, Monkey blocks, Kinetic Sand


Lesson Plan in Action

Lesson 6: Using the Engineering Design Practice to Explore Stability

30-45 minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will observe the procedures of NoRILLA.

  • Students will complete TEST MY TOWER.

  • Students will think interdependently (flexible) by working together to complete a task.

  • Students will manage their impulsivity.

  • Students will use precise and clear communication skills.

Materials Needed:


  • LEGOs

  • YouTube video

Closure: Share what students found to be interesting, intriguing, even challenging about this lesson. Recap/discuss today's lesson. Let your civil engineers know that next time they will begin brainstorming and designing their own structures to withstand an earthquake.

Lesson Plan in Action

Lesson 7 & 8

Lesson 7: Using Engineering Design Practice to Explore Stability (Height)

40 minute

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will review the procedures of NoRILLA.

  • Students will rotate through TEST MY TOWER.

  • Students will record attempts and times for TEST MY TOWER.

  • Students will test structure height vs an earthquake.

  • Students will think interdependently (flexible) by working together to complete a task.

  • Students will manage their impulsivity.

  • Students will use precise and clear communication skills.

Materials Needed:

  • NoRILLA,building materials such as snap cubes, LEGOs, cardboard, Keva Planks, Lincoln Logs, Magnatiles, Bristle Blocks, Monkey blocks, Kinetic Sand

  • Ruler

  • Books to place buildings on

  • Tower challenge worksheet

  • Height worksheet

Closure: Share what students found to be interesting, intriguing, even challenging about this lesson. Recap/discuss today's lesson. Let your civil engineers know that next time they will begin brainstorming and designing their own structures to withstand an earthquake.

Lesson 8: Using Engineering Design Practice to Explore Stability (Base)

40 minute

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will review the procedures of NoRILLA.

  • Students will rotate through TEST MY TOWER.

  • Students will record attempts and times for TEST MY TOWER.

  • Students will test structure base vs an earthquake.

  • Students will think interdependently (flexible) by working together to complete a task.

  • Students will manage their impulsivity.

  • Students will use precise and clear communication skills.

Materials Needed:

  • NoRILLA,building materials such as snap cubes, LEGOs, cardboard, Keva Planks, Lincoln Logs, Magnatiles, Bristle Blocks, Monkey blocks, Kinetic Sand,

  • Ruler

  • Books to place structures on

  • Tower challenge worksheet,

  • Base Worksheet

Lesson Plan in Action

Lesson 9: Exploring Elements of Famous Structures

40 minute

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will construct a building to withstand an earthquake.

  • Students will participate in COMPETE mode on the NoRILLA with a partner.

  • Students will display perseverance while completing a task.

  • Students will think interdependently (flexible) by working together to complete a task.

  • Students will manage their impulsivity.

  • Students will use precise and clear communication skills.

Materials Needed:


  • Building materials such as snap cubes, LEGOs, cardboard, Keva Planks, Lincoln Logs, Magnatiles, Bristle Blocks, Monkey blocks, Kinetic Sand

  • Books to place structures on.

  • Famous structures worksheet

Lesson 10 & 11

Lesson 10: Design Your Own Building Challenge

40 minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will review the procedures of NoRILLA.

  • Students will build a structure that will withstand a 5 second earthquake.

  • Students will iterate their structure.

  • Students will think interdependently (flexible) by working together to complete a task.

  • Students will manage their impulsivity.

  • Students will use precise and clear communication skills.

Materials Needed:


  • Ruler

  • Snap cubes

  • Bristle blocks

  • LEGOs

  • Plain paper for drawing

  • Writing paper for compete mode

Lesson 11: Design Your Own Building

40 minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will review the procedures of NoRILLA.

  • Students will build a structure that will withstand a 5 second earthquake.

  • Students will iterate their structure.

  • Students will think interdependently (flexible) by working together to complete a task.

  • Students will manage their impulsivity.

  • Students will use precise and clear communication skills.

Materials Needed:


  • Ruler

  • Snap cubes

  • Bristle blocks

  • LEGOs

  • Plain paper for drawing

  • Writing paper for compete mode

Lesson 12: Duplo Letters / Testing Stability


40 minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Apply the Scientific Method.

  • Build structure from models.

  • Compare shapes of models.

  • Communicate their thoughts about the concepts related to stability.

  • Determine the impact of aspects of shape on stability.

  • Demonstrate responsible use of technology.

  • Evaluating the use of a model to represent natural world structures.

Materials Needed:


  • Duplo blocks

  • Duplo alphabet cards

  • Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault

  • Using the Scientific Method worksheet from Lesson 2 (Optional for older students)


Lesson 13: Making Stable Monsters from Trash


40 Minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Apply the Engineering Design Process

  • Build structure from models.

  • Compare shapes of models.

  • Communicate their thoughts about the concepts related to stability.

  • Determine the impact of aspects of shape on stability.

  • Demonstrate responsible use of technology.

  • Evaluating the use of a model to represent natural world structures.

Materials Needed:


  • Recycled cardboard boxes

  • Variety of recycled materials

  • Craft paper

  • Eyes

  • Tape/glue

  • Pipe cleaners

  • Markers

  • Cardboard

Lesson 14: Design and Build the Houses of the Three Little Pigs


40 Minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Apply the Engineering Design Process

  • Build structure from models.

  • Compare shapes of models.

  • Communicate their thoughts about the concepts related to stability.

  • Determine the impact of aspects of shape on stability.

  • Demonstrate responsible use of technology.

  • Evaluating the use of a model to represent natural world structures.

  • Identify likely reasons for the instability of a structure.

  • Improve the stability of a structure based on results in testing.

Materials Needed:


  • Bins of different building blocks, like Duplo, Lincoln Logs, Unit blocks

  • Books: The Three Little Pigs and/or Los Tres Pequenos Jabalies by Susan Lowell.

  • Optional: Pig Noses (made from egg cartons; see Extensions)

  • Optional: Using the Scientific Method worksheet from Lesson 2

Lesson 15: Design and Test Your Own Buildings with Varied Height, Base, Shape

40 minutes

Lesson Objectives: 

  • Operate NoRILLA in COMPETE Mode

  • Practice evaluating failures of structures to behave as desired as a scientific process.

  • Build and test a specific variety of structures with features that will impact their stability.

  • Predict the outcome when shaking the created structures and support the predictions, then test the structure for stability.

  • Discuss the results of their structure when shaken using appropriate terminology.

  • Optional for older students: Build their own structures using features they believe will increase stability

Materials Needed:


  • Paper (printed Maker Worksheet)

  • Glue dots or glue

  • Scissors

  • Color pencils/crayons or paint

  • Resource to view videos

  • “How to make a pop up paper village” video

  • Optional: means for students to record or take photos

Lesson 16: Designing Snowmen with Varied Height, Base, Shape


40 minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Apply the Engineering Design Process

  • Build structure from models.

  • Compare shapes of models.

  • Communicate their thoughts about the concepts related to stability.

  • Determine the impact of aspects of shape on stability.

  • Demonstrate responsible use of technology.

  • Evaluating the use of a model to represent natural world structures.

Materials Needed:


  • recycled cardboard boxes

  • Variety of recycled materials

  • Glue

  • Paints

  • Markers

  • Craft paper

  • Cardstock

  • Scissors

  • Engineering Design Process Graphic

  • Books to read:

    • Snowmen at Play by Caralyn Buehner and Mark Buehner

    • 100 Snowmen by Jen Arena (Author), Stephen Gilpin

Lesson 17: Bridges

60 minutes 

Lesson Objectives:

  • Operate NoRILLA in TEST MY TOWER Mode Mode

  • Design and build a structure using concepts that impact the stability of a structure such as height, base width, symmetry.

  • Predict the outcome and support the predictions, then test the structure for stability.

  • Discuss the results of their structure when shaken using appropriate terminology.lsivity.

  • Students will use precise and clear communication skills.

Materials Needed:

  • Rosie Revere Engineer by Andrea Baety

  • Maker building materials (e.g. toilet paper tubes, styrofoam)

  • Scissors

  • Tape

  • Glue

  • Engineering design process graphic

Lesson 18: Height vs Base Bar Graph

40 minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Operate NoRILLA in TEST MY TOWER Mode Mode

  • Build structures to match pictures, then test for stability.

  • Record the dimensions of the structure on a bar graph.

  • Discuss the impact of height and base on the ability of a structure to withstand shaking based on observation and discussion in class.

Materials Needed:


  • Bar Graph worksheet

  • Legos®

  • Pencils, crayons, or markers.

Lesson 19: Ratios

40 minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Operate NoRILLA in TEST MY TOWER Mode Mode

  • Build structures to match diagrams, then test structures for stability.

  • Find patterns in recorded data.

  • Record data and calculate ratios based on experiments.

  • Discuss the impact of height on the ability of a structure to withstand shaking based on observation and discussion in class.

  • Optional: determine height/width ratio of structures.

Materials Needed:


  • Legos®

  • Ratio worksheet (a second one is available for older students)

Lesson 20: Post-Assessment

30 minutes

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will complete a post-assessment.

Materials Needed:

  • Post-assessments A and B.


Let students know that they have completed their lessons using the NoRILLA machine. Today they will complete their post-assessment to show what they have learned (you can find the pre and post assessments in the Appendix section at the end of the book).

  • Students that took pre-assessment A will take post-assessment A.

  • Students that took pre-assessment B will take post-assessment B.